About the School

The Association des Parents Adventistes de Ruhango pour le Développement de l’Education (APARUDE) was formed by Parents of Ruhango to respond to the education crisis of the time and as a result, the Association formed College de Bethel in 1995. The War and Genocide of Tutsi had been so destructive to all sectors of the Rwandan society; that schools were destroyed, properties looted, teachers killed or fled the country.

Due to this catastrophe, the parents of Ruhango felt it was their patriotic duty to help the government revamp the education sector and, at the same time, help their children access the type of education that would give them practical skills that would make them more useful citizens of their societies and the country.

The association decided to establish a School named Collège de Bethel and started its activities in 1995 with three classes and one room used as a school direction given by Gitisi Primary School. And it took three years and after that, the school was able to find its appropriate land at Mujyejuru, Nyamagana Sector of the former Ruhango District and Gitarama Province,e and built there some five classes.

In 2010, the school became a fully fledged technical and professional training offering the following courses: Computer Science, Computer Electronics and Telecommunications, Electricity, Computer Electronics, Construction, and Accountancy among others. In 2015, the school opened up doors for Ordinary Level Section which has attracted about 200 students in the first term alone.

Now, College de Bethel has partnership arrangements with friends of Rwanda-Gofringen in Germany, Landau, and Otto-Hann Gymnasium all from Germany. The partnership arrangement is especially the exchange program of teachers where they send two teachers every year to come and Volunteer in science subjects.